The List...

Alrighty, I have finally been able to compile a list of all the finished projects. You can find it here at my listography. Items with check marks have already been completed, and items with strike-throughs have been abandoned. I will add links to the posts containing finished items. If I was working on a group of items that are the same idea them they will be counted as one. I think I found them all but I will be constantly updating the list so if I find any more lurking around the house I will add them. Seeing the list completed just rams home how many unfinished projects I really have. I blame it on too many good ideas. But not all were good ones, obviously, as I have already weeded out and abandoned 5 projects that I did not think were worth finishing.

Some wasabi knucks like the ones for sale in my etsy shop for me to wear (I think I may just take them out of the shop instead). Some crocheted maryjane slippers which were far too pink and usurped by a cute sewn tie-on version I recently found, which I will start once I finish this challenge. A very old basket purse project that was coming out okay but the basket turned out to be too heavy. A sock dog from ages ago when I used to make a few here and there. I have since lost the pattern and it is another hand-sewing project I do not want to do.

And lastly, the giant pile of felt teddy bears. The first one I made came out really cute, and I have another one nearly done and I will finish him too. But really, what was I thinking cutting out that many? I had intended to machine-sew them, but I messed up the size of the template and it came out way too small so I started hand-sewing them. And I really just do not enjoy hand sewing enough to commit to 2 dozen of them. But, would anyone like to have the big stack of pre-cut felt teddy bear shapes for appliqué or something? I will mail them to you for free, just leave me a comment here and a way to contact you.

You will notice I have checked off some things too, and I will share them next time. Happy crafting!

*If you would like to join this challenge, head over to our flickr page here. And see the full list of people determined to finish projects with links to their blogs here.


  1. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Hi, I have to do a to do / to crochet / to sew list, too - I´m afraid I´ll be running out of paper while doing it ;)

    The teddy bears would be great for a preschool - or school, my 6yo sews things like this all the time :) and is so proud of them!

    Bye, Kati

  2. Rachael Henderson1:36 AM

    I really like the list you made! Not only do I love lists, but some of the stuff sounds like it's going to be really awesome. Halloween ornaments dibs! :)

  3. oh, you could send them to me... my quilt guild would love to use them on a quilt...


  4. Rachel - Lol, do you have a listography? Also, sorry love but the ornaments are for my mom.

    Nancy - The bears are yours!

  5. Anonymous2:39 AM

    love the list. and the blog looks great, those mushrooms in the header are too cute.

  6. I counted your list, I also figured out how quickly you have to finish everything in order to meet your deadline. Do you want to know the results?

  7. Carolyn - Oh geez, I guess I cannot say no, but just keep in mind that most of this stuff really is just missing the last button, etc.

  8. Rachel11:07 AM

    Hi Do you have any left? may I have some? xxx rachel.


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