In Other News...

Well, here I am. My bosses at the toy store have had me working on the internet social networking part of the business, including Facebook, twitter, and a new blog that I am authoring. It's been swell, but the swelling's gone down, and I have finally found time to finish a few projects. One in particular that I am very proud of is a little bar I put together for Dennis.

He was thumbing through my old book of cocktails and he said he has always wanted to learn to make a few basic ones for when we entertain friends. I am not much of one for alcohol but I do like a sweet cocktail every now and again. So I rearranged the little printer stand that sits next to the dining table and put our ice crusher, martini shaker, alcohol, and cocktail books inside. And my mom and dad came up to visit yesterday and brought me a very cool old bar measure. I absolutely love clear glass that is so sold that it is starting to discolor, and the bar measure is just starting to turn pink. I liked the little bar, but I didn't want the stuff to get dusty, and I wanted to hide it a little too, so I made a little curtain for it:

The hexagon fabric was an old dollar-a-yard bit and I bias pieced scraps of the polka dot material until I had enough length. Then I just staple-gunned the fabric to the stand while adding some pleats, and covered the staples with a strip of twill ribbon. I will also use pieces of the same ribbon to tie them back when we want to use it.

Besides that, co-habitation is still going great, and even though I have been super busy I have some finished knitting and sewing projects to show off shortly. Till later!


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