Quality Crafting Time

I've got two pieces of extremely exciting news! First of all, my wonderful Mr. Dennis asked me (You heard me!) to teach him how to sew a while back. So I busted out some felt and he used the kitty ball pattern from Toys to Sew and designed a little Kirby plush toy for his chubby old cat Buddy! He picked it up really quickly and seemed to enjoy it, and now he wants to design his own plushies and start sewing more! *Dreamy sigh* First the scarf, now this! We've also been cooking a bit more together and he's been talking about making a manly apron. He must be a little jealous of my rediculously large apron collection that includes not a single man's apron. So for Christmas I got him a Japanese craft book completely dedicated to men's aprons. I can't find it online or I would link to it, it's so cool. It has patterns and ideas along with awesome old black and white photographs of men in their working aprons. I also got him a Baby Yetti plush kit from Love and a Sandwich's etsy store. He made it over a weekend and it came out so awesome! His stitchwork is beautiful because he's very detail oriented and I know it's going to get even prettier the more he does it. Sometimes he makes fun of me saying I want to turn him into a woman, what with all this cooking/sewing nonsense, so I thought it was a good idea to stop myself before I tried to get him to do someting like cross stitch or embroidery, lol. Such a shame though, his stitches are so nice. Oh, and we're halfway done making a quilt together, but more on that later!!!On to the second big announcement! I have started a meetup group for fiber artists. It's called the Lakeshore Stitch n' Bitch Meetup Group, and it's every tuesday evening at L'Amyx tea bar from roughly 7:00 pm till 10:00 pm, but you can come and leave as early or late as you like. I'm so excited, I got the page looking really nice and a bunch of my friends and even a couple strangers have RSVP'd for it! I have dreams of making crafty friends and starting a fiber artist's collective so we can have a big craft fair where we all sell our stuff and blah blah blah... Delusions of grandeur I'm sure, but you never know what might happen! Anywho, if you're local and want to come and hang out, you can find all the info you need right here at the group's homepage. Hope to see you around soon!


  1. very cool that you guys are crafting together! hope to see the quilt soon.


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