Yet another hobby that will invade the blog...

So lately I have been playing a lot of ukulele. It seems like if I ever have a good chunk of time off I drive my butt to the lake and sit out at the Pavilion and just play until the sun goes down... There is more cuteness on my flickr, here . On Monday I had the day off and it was mad hot here, so I decided that the shade of the trees by the lake would be much better than my sweltering apartment. I had to do laundry anyhow, so I walked halfway around the lake to a different place than usual, and sat there in the shade on a bench by the water for at least 2 or 3 hours and played through every song I knew by heart. Then I stopped for lunch and went over to my usual spot just to sit, but a man came up to me and said he saw me playing earlier and was wondering if I had a tuner. Turns out his friends were just across the park playing guitar. So I wandered over and they invited me to sit and jam with them. I felt really awkward because they were in a band, and they played beautif...