
Showing posts from September, 2007

The Search is Over!

I finally found an apartment! *Jumps around and giggles.* Actually, I guess saying "finally" is a bit too much, considering I've only been looking for a couple weeks. Angela and I were looking to move into a place by the 1st of October, though I didn't realize how close that really was until we were told we could move in on Monday. 'Oly crap. This place was actually the first one we put a finished application in for, and we got it the next day. It's so beautiful and wonderful, I'm going to post plenty of pictures on tuesday before I put all my junk in it. It's seriously my dream apartment, hardwood floors and original tile, pale mint green walls and white trim, you'll just have to see it, very very soon. Thanks again for all the support guys!


I can admit it: when I'm sad I tend to buy things in an effort to cheer myself up. Problem is, it works, which makes me do it again in the future. Nedless to say I've been buying some extra goodies lately because I've been kind of down for the past couple of weeks. *Sigh* It's a very bad habit, I know, but can you blame me? Just look at what came in the mail from Superbuzzy today! (And yes, those are Clover's bias tape makers!) And I was a bad girl and stopped by a special little fabric store in Castro Valley called The Bolt's End. (Check out the vintage basket weave trim, great for handles on zakka purses!) They buy closeout designer fabrics and sell them for a couple dollars per yard cheaper than anywhere else I've seen. Plus the ladies who work there are really nice and helpful, and the store's within walking distance of a wonderful tiny bead store (the owner knows me by name now), a yarn store (a little pricey, but fun to look in), one of those pai...

Little Lunchbag!

Alrighty, first off I want to appologize for the posting gap, I've been having a hard time around the house these past couple of weeks. Looks like my boyfriend and I are going our seperate ways and I've been working on finding a new apartment. But hey, it's not all bad! We're still on good terms and I'll be moving closer to work and living with my artsy friend Angela. We've agreed that we have to make the living room into an art studio and I'm going to go crazy with adorable and awesome decor since I don't have to worry what the man will think. It should make for some very interesting home improvement posts, yay! Anywho, onto the crafty goodness: My favroite resource for Japanese fabric, Superbuzzy , was having a sale, so as a birthday present to myself I got a bunch of larger yardages than I normally do of some really cute ones! And right after I placed the order I picked up an amazing new craft book in Japantown that's all about lunchbags. I fell i...

I won!

I know I don't normally do more than one post a day but I'm so excited! I never win anything but I just won a copy of the new book, Listography , on a whim. I was browsing Whip Up and I saw they were giving away 5 of the books to people who listed their top 5 guilty pleasures. I was already on the website version, you can see my listography here , and I love it, so I thought I'd give it a go and try to win the book. Here's mine: *Buying all thatโ€™s left of an amazing dollar-a-yard fabric, leaving not a single scrap for anyone else. *Letting the kitten get into a huge bag of yarn and unwind every ball around the entire house. I, personally, think itโ€™s adorable. *Going to the rediculously expensive chocolate and buying just one for me, and not telling my boyfriend I went there without getting him one. *Taking way too long in the shower just so I can finish singing the song thatโ€™s been stuck in my head for a week. *Using my relatively agile toes to pick something up when I...

More Japanese Goodies!

Recently I've been pen-paling the author of Zakka Life, a wonderful craftblog with a new craft project posted every week, definately pop over and check it out! She contacted me to tell me about a new store opening up in Union City, which is a few miles south of Hayward, called Daiso Japan . I'd never heard of it but when I looked up the website I knew I had to go! It's a Japanese import store containing all kinds of little goodies for extremely reasonable prices. I went a little nuts and got a whole bag full of goodies for me and gifts for my mother and sister. I thought I'd post some pics of my goodies up here for fun! Up top there is an adorable lined basket/tray that I got for the coffee table to corral my works in progress. They have a bunch of different ones in sweet little fabrics for three dollars. Three Dollars! Gah! And I couldn't pass up a set of those adorable little plates, I think I squealed a bit when I saw them! And I love this thick felt bag with th...
Alrighty, prepare yourselves for a very long post with lots of pictures! Here's what went on during my birthday extravaganza in Las Vegas! In all, there were a lot of people that came. Me, Mom, Dad, Michael, Michael's parents, my sisters Aura and Holly and Holly's husband, my uncles Adam and Amen, and my aunt Julie and her boyfriend. For my birthday dinner my dad took us out to Emeril's seafood house in the MGM Grand. Very fancy with a ballet service and the best sorbet ever for desert. My first legal dring was one of their mojitos and mmm boy was it ever good. And don't worry, I didn't get smashed. So, most of us stayed at the Flamingo and had a really posh room with a nice view. The hotel across the way with the blue roof is the Imperial Palace where Michael's parents stayed. In amongst the palm trees is a bunch of nice pools. This is me, waiting for everyone to arrive to see my first slot machine, lol. Goodbye little dollar. I must hav...