Technicolor Teddies

I guess it's all about felt for me right now. Feltapalooza up in my craft space! I just can't get over the yummy colors and the simple pleasure of the material. This is a rainbow of yet-to-be-sewn delicious little teddy bears I want to make for my etsy shop . They're really simple in design, perfect for the simple material they're made out of. I can't wait to stitch them up and get them into the shop (keeping one or two for myself, of course). I swear I have one made out of every color of felt sold in the county. And I realized there's no variety of red when it comes to felt. I have one scrap of a deep red in my stash, but it was too small for a bear. Guess whoever gets the only red-toned one will be lucky. Okay, I think I'm done going on and on about felt now! Anyone else out there have awesome stuff they want to show off made out of craft felt? I wanna see!!