Holiday Recap

Well, the holidays just flew by, much like they do every year. It seems like I get so busy, mostly because working at a toy store during Christmas entails ten hour days and hellish commutes, that I never have time to post anything on here for the duration of the season. Things have finally slowed down and I have plenty of free time, which I really should be spending crafting. I have started working again on the red plaid quilt that Dennis and I started forever ago. Now that I know more about quilting I have a better game plan in place to finish it in time for picnic season. I really need to get cracking on sewing projects because I am running out of knit and crochet stuff to finish and then I will have nothing to bring to S&B! Anywho, I just wanted to share some fun photos of my holiday shenanigans with everyone that I did not get to see this year... Christmas: I actually managed to decorate the house this year, which was wonderful! Last year we did not even get a tr...