Inspiration for the Holidays

I have been working feverishly on getting my goods ready for the RAC Holiday Craft Fair. I was working up till the very last minute on stuff last year, so this year I want to get it done as soon as I can so I will have some time to relax. I have already completed the first half of all the things I have left to finish - you know me, I can never seem to finish one thing without jumping to the next. I am hoping I can get it to the point where I only have two projects going at the same time so I can jump around but still finish things. Speaking of finishing things, I was taking a look at my list and my basket of UFOs last night and really it does not seem as daunting as it did a couple months ago, even though my deadline is fast approaching. I am still committed to finishing all of them before I am allowed to start anything new even if the deadline passes, which is absolute torture because I keep finding wonderful inspiration and tutorials for Christmas gifts I want to make for everyone. ...