On with the show!

So my computer may be out of service, but I just had to post some pictures of the awesome Halloween costumes Dennis and I made! We ended up hanging out with our favorite friends Phil and Jill, and we got dim sum and went to see Nosferatu at the San Francisco Symphony. Phil and Jill went as ghostly 1940s moviegoers and they looked so cute! I made the headband Jill is wearing, and there are more on the way! They took all these pictures (thanks guys!), but I will be back to post more detailed shots of us when I can get them off my camera. Dennis and I went steampunk to match the Victorian era movie! We got welding goggles and Nerf Maverick Guns, but since we waited until the last minute we only had time to spray paint them instead of really decking them out, but that will come later. We found a lot of really great clothes at Target of all places, all made by the Converse brand. Both our shirts and his pants are new, and I made my skirt. We scavenged the rest at thrift store...