Home Improvements

As a little break from The Sandwich Saga, I present you with this: It's a clothespin holder I made for our back porch! Everyone in the house is absolutely in love with it, and it makes doing laundry so much faster. We used to have all the pins clipped to the line and we'd have to slide them down as we hung clothes, and our arms would get tired and it added a lot of time and effort to the job. I've been wanting to sew a little holder for them for some time now but all of the patterns I found for them were either attached to aprons, which I obviously wouldn't mind but Angela isn't the apron type, or they were waaaaay too big, like big enough to hold 500 clothespins. So I made this pattern all by my self, and it turned out exactly the way I wanted it to be. The best part was that I constructed it the exact way it was supposed to be done: I make no claims to be a master seamstress, and most of the time I'm flying by the seat of my pants, using my imagination combine...