I've Been Busy...

Another shop update! I've got a ton of new stuff up in the shop just in time for the after-Thanksgiving-shopathon. All of the cards I made are finally listed. Took me long enough, I know. They were quick and fun to make but I didn't think of how long it was going to take to list over 40 of them while I was making them. Oh well, they're in there now, I just hope some of them sell so it'll be worth all my time and effort, lol. Along with the bagillion cards I have for you *ghasp* SEVEN, count 'em, seven new owl pincushions with more on the way soon enough. It's been over a year since I've made some, but I got burnt out after making so many and I needed a break. I'm enjoying it again now and I'll try not to do so many that I get sick of them. Also in the store are some lovely new crochet accessories I've been working on, as well as some made by my mom. So stop by and get some Christmas shopping done early! Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!