Okay, nobody faint...

... I added some new items to my etsy shops. Gasp! I know I haven't done it since the move, but I think I've finally got my shnickerdoodles in order and I want to see what I'm capable of. It's not much, but I made some new little lacey bracelets that I just adore! I was inspired by this post at Bitter Betty and this one from Angry Chicken. And shortly after I made these Futuregirl posted this tutorial for similar ones . Great minds think alike, as they say. There's 3 of each kind for sale at Oh the Cuteness! Also, I'm finally selling that little green apple lunch bag I made last summer. I know I said I was going to keep it, but I was so afraid that I would get dye on it that I never took it to work. I think it needs to go home with someone who will use it. There's a few fun new Japanese supplies for sale over at The Slug as well. Hope everyone's having a good day!